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This is a small time pic of mine i used to love horses then so do i now too :) 

Never-Never the Horse i Rode when i was at AG College , shot was taken when i was in  Delhi  during the RDC (Republic day Camp), NCC Students from all the states in the country come and merge at one point for competitons and fun.  

Gloria the girl i met at Delhi RDC -91  she was all fun type with vast knowledge about his subject (Veternary Science ) we had one thing in common Chris de Burge, we had a ball of a time in Delhi, i am not in touch with her  these days u know professional pressures... if u know her tell about me and my website ok.




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The Goswami Trio :)

Me and my Brother (Younger) having fun early in the delhi winter 1997
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Magnificient Qutub me and my wife delhi 1997




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Comdex  Delhi  December 97